Lectures and Teaching
International Academic Talks
Invited seminar. Department of Physics, University of Basel. 11.11.2024
Invited talk. UK-Japan Symposium on 2D Materials. University of Cambridge. 24.09.2024
Invited talk. Quantum Materials Group, Diamond Light Source. 17.09.2024.
Invited talk. Optica Quantum Sensing and Metrology Conference, Toulouse, France.
Invited talk. Condensed Matter Quantum Matter, Institute of Physics Conference. 07/2024.
Invited talk. Defects in Solids for Quantum Technologies, Budapest. 06/2024.
Invited seminar. Quantum Technologies and Foundations Group, University of Surrey. 05/2024.
Invited seminar. National Physical Laboratory, London. 05/2024.
Invited talk. Materials Research Seminar. Seattle 04/2024.
Invited seminar. Rank symposium, The Lake District. 04/2024.
Invited talk. University of Lancaster. 03/2024.
Invited talk. Matter and Light for Quantum Computing (ML4C). Invited seminar.
Invited talk. University of Sheffield Winter School. 01/2024.
Invited talk. Spin Meeting, University of Manchester. 01/2024.
Invited research seminar, University of Warwick, 12/2023.
Invited research seminar, Physical Chemistry Lecture Series, University of Oxford, 12/2023.
Invited talk. Quantum Dot Day. University of Manchester. 09/2023.
Invited talk. Future Leaders Network for Quantum Energy Conversion. 07/2023.
Invited talk. TMD, Cambridge, UK. 06/2023.
Invited talk. BIOMAG, Denmark. 06/2023.
Contributing talk. BNW2023 ~ Inaugural workshop on Boron Nitride. Montpellier, France, 06/2023.
Invited research seminar, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, 03/2023.
Invited talk. Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (AMN) 10, Rotorua, New Zealand, 02/2023.
Research seminar, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, UK 09/2022.
Research seminar, Quantum Engineering Labs, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK, 09/2022.
Invited research seminar, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, 06/2022.
Invited talk. SPIE Photonic West OPTO, San Francisco, USA, 01/2022. (unable to attend and presented by Simone Eizagirre Barker).
MRS Boston virtual presentation, 12/2021.
Invited research seminar, Hitachi Laboratory Cambridge, 11/2021.
International conference on defects in semiconductors, 03/2021. Virtual contributing talk.
Invited seminar to the Trinity College Fellows, 03/2019.
Invited research seminar at the University of Sheffield, 02/2019.
Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (AMN) 9, Rotorua, New Zealand, 02/2019. Contributing talk.
Invited research seminar, CAM-IES, University of Cambridge, UK, 09/2018.
Gordon Research Seminar, New Hampshire, USA, 07/2018. Contributing talk.
Invited research seminar, University of California, Berkeley, 06/2018.
Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (AMN) 8, Queenstown, New Zealand, 02/2017. Contributing talk.
MRS Phoenix, 04/2018. Contributing talk.
Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (AMN) 7, Nelson, New Zealand, 02/2015. Contributing talk (best student presentation).
Singlet Fission Workshop, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 2014. Contributing talk.
BNW2023 ~ Inaugural workshop on Boron Nitride. Montpellier, France, 06/2023.
Interview for Physics World, 2024. image: IOP
Science Outreach
Interview with Physics World at the IOP Celebration of Physics, 06/2024. Online article.
Femincam: Women in Electronic Materials, Cambridge, 09/2023
'How to apply for a research fellowship'. Winton-Kavli Workshop. 07/2023
'Materials for Quantum Technology'. Cambridge Sixth Form Lecture Series. 12/2022
Research Seminar to Trinity College Alumni. 12/2020
University and College Teaching
I am a Tutorial Fellow at Trinity College Oxford, where I tutor the fundamental of Materials Science including the electronic, optical and magnetic properties of materials, quantum theory, crystallography, semiconductor materials and devices, thermodynamics and nanomaterials.